Our Suppliers


WBA sources, Creates and delivers products to brands and retailers worldwide. We do this by connecting various suppliers in Indian markets depend on the products, managing our customers’ supply chains to meet their needs through competitive pricing, quality and reliable delivery.

We take our responsibility to our employees, customers, suppliers, and the workers in our supply chains very seriously. We recognize that our business can influence positive change in our industry. Improving both working conditions and the livelihoods of workers and their families in our sourcing communities is important to us.

At WBA, we understand that building sustainable supply chains cannot be done alone. We work with suppliers around India and alongside industry partners to address the development challenges our industry faces.

Our suppliers are located in key production locations around India which allows us to flexibly move production across markets, balance capacity constraints and meet customer needs. Of our various supplier base, key suppliers remain regularly active with order placements over a two-year period.

Sustainability is a part of our culture and provides us with a guiding framework for how we manage our impact while contributing to the development of the communities in which we live and work.

We manage our global supply chains in a manner that is consistent with our overall Sustainability Strategy.

Our initiatives to enhance supply chain sustainability focus on three areas: managing risk and furthering compliance along our supply chains, collaborating with customers and industry partners to build better supply chains, and sourcing responsibly.

Respect for human rights is at the core of our beliefs and embedded in our business practices and policies. We expect our suppliers to share our commitment to create better working conditions that uphold fundamental human and labour rights.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct, which is based on the International Labour Organization (ILO)’s core conventions, outlines the requirements for suppliers to do business with WBA. This includes compliance with relevant local laws and regulations and meeting the Code Standards related to health and safety, labour rights, environmental protection, accountability, transparency and ethics.

Managing our supply chain risk starts with strategic sourcing decisions by our customers and/or sourcing teams and our continuing efforts to direct business to suppliers that share our commitment to compliance and enhancing sustainability performance. Our Vendor Compliance & Sustainability (VCS) team assesses supplier risk and compliance and supports factories to continually improve performance.

Sustained change in our industry takes time and investment. As a leading sourcing company, we support our suppliers to improve factory working conditions to meet ever-changing industry expectations.

Our assessment, technical support and capacity-building efforts focus on establishing better-managed factories and better working conditions. We believe that to achieve sustained change in the supply chain, it is essential to support factories to raise compliance standards and ensure that factories have the information and training to build their capacity to integrate social and environmental best practices into their day-to-day operations. Building capability across our supplier base helps raise compliance standards in the industry.

Our services are helping factories build sustainable, compliant operations. Our training programs focus on: fire and electrical safety, hazards identification and risk assessment, environmental sustainability, employment practices and employee relations, achieving sustainable compliance, root cause analysis, achieving C-TPAT standards, human trafficking and forced labour, and conflict minerals.